Changing Paradigms

Changing Paradigms

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013


as teachers is important to see our students aware of the classes but when we noticed that students do not participate in class or are distracted we feel sad, angry, or ignore students.
from childhood is important reconiocer the importance of the use of appropriate methods and strategies that allow us to have a good environment for teaching and learning.
There are different theories raised for learning and teaching that help to have an atmosphere of motivation. and use rewards, bonus points, and of course attract students to imitate positive attitudes to their learning.
but you can not forget the importance of using different activities that generate an atmosphere of joy, not routine, and only theoretical.
there are different amneras to work with students, such as group work, good ambience of the subject, dramas that allow the student who is a participant and not just a receiver of information.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013


the class planing is very importan if you want that your students enjoy your class. acontinuation I give you some advices about class planing.

1. is important that your class planing have coherence: the coherence allows that all your activities can guide to the student to learn most easy specific topic.

2. is important that your class planing have variety: if you want that your students learn a topic,  you should have to hand many activities because the class be would most interesing.

3. is important that your class  planing have a time for each activitiy: if you want that your students are assets you should have a time for each activity, about 20 minutes for activity, but ofcourse each activity must have relation whit the topic.

4. is important that in your class planing you know what resources use and when use it:  is necesary use different resources for teach a topic, because so the student can have a  learning significantly.

5. is important that your class planing include a relation with the last topic: how teacher is important that always remember the last topic and can associate to the next topic, so the students learn most easily.

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

English Class with a Natural Approach

this approach is very interesting and very used to teach english, so here have an example.

The Numbers 1-5

1. you can start your class showing some object, por example balls, hoops or draw in the board. then you ask questions about it. for example: what is?, who have it in yous house? who like it?.

2. you can continue  your class with a song. for example the song the finger family
the children can count your fingers and sing.

3. after you can play  with your class. for example: make a circle, and throw the balls and count  one for one, then each child throw the balls to other child and all count.
so the children identify the number and amount and also practice pronunciation.

martes, 23 de julio de 2013


If want teach english you con find many approach to teach englis in you class.
then I`m goin to write about some approach:


this approach is very interesting because you an your class only speak in englis... I think that is good use it, becuase if you listen you can speak.


this approach is good for the children more small, because you teach more that englis, you teach who  you can help to others person, you can teach about leadership. ando you can use many plays.


is importan that the children understand that the language is very importan. speak, write and read are skills that if you use all time in english can help you teach english well.


 it's very interesting use this approach, because usually children or teenagers no want learn english, but if you decorate your classroom and stimulate your students to learn all will be more easy and funny. 


the communication is very importan in the life, and  if you use this approach your student would  learn english so fast. using a dictionary, looking for new words, and speaking can learn english very fast.


this is the most traditional approach use to teach and learn english. teach vocabulary, grammar so is more easy for the teacher, but i think that it isn't so good to the students. but is good to learn more words.


i think that it is so interesting approach, and my teacher used this approach in my last class. is good use because the student have to remember all what he has learned. the teacher is in silent. and the student have to  solve his own problem.


all people used this approach when were a baby, because so learn speak. is good use it because you can play with your students, its funny and is easy learn words and sentences. when you make that you hear, you can learn so easy and fast. is good use tihs approach

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Changing Paradigms

education currently has ends that are not met, the video shows us a continuous circle in the learning process. you need to understand education as a necessity and not an obligation. education is needed in our society, but should aim own growth and consequently the growth of the society in which we live.
we must generate educational proposals that allow depart the paradignmas traditional educational. need to know the needs of children and supply them with innovative methods and techniques in their education. supply their educational needs. and perishing fraces even a super hero begins change my role primarily as an educator.